Guys, I've just signed on with Dynamic to do a four issue balls to the walls brutal as hell horror western story.
Going to be amazing! Pen and ink and coloring myself.
I'll be at Comic Con, same booth as last year, 4605. Come say Hi! I will also have at the booth the debut t-shirts lines from my new co-owned company SKULLSAW Apparel! New lines of shirts and some original designs by lil ol' me. See you there!!!!!!
Congrats on the new series. I won't be going to SDCC so I hope you make your shirts available online after the show.
yes! SKULLSAW.COM goes live after the comic con. I'll be doing the art for one darkly funny line called, Dead-Boy and UNDead-Boy and also a line of shirts of just my own odd little scratches. I will update blog accordingly;)
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